What Vegetables Can Budgies Eat?

There is a lot of confusion among us about what vegetables can budgies eat. We love our budgies so much and don’t want to feed anything that can harm them. Vegetables that can budgies eat are carrots, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Why Should Budgies Eat Vegetables?

Budgies need a variety of nutrients to live a healthy life and pellets and seeds can’t meet all of them. Vitamins and minerals contain antioxidants essential for budgie’s healthy living.

Vegetables provide many essential nutrients that can protect them from various diseases. Budgies most of their diet contain pellets and seeds, and vegetables can mentally stimulate them.

Green leafy vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, and celery are favorite for most of the parakeets. Apart from eating they like to play with these green leafy vegetables. So, veggies are essential for their physical as well as their mental health.

Important Vitamins And Minerals Needed In A Budgie’s Diet?

Apart from protein, fat, and carbohydrates, budgies need vitamins and minerals to get the overall nutrients needed. Before shortlisting vegetables to feed your budgies, you should know what vitamins and minerals budgies need and the combination of which vegetables can fulfill those.

Important vitamins and minerals that budgie’s diet should contain are:-


Free radicals and oxidative stress have become more important in modern medical science. Budgie’s body generates free radicals due to various environmental reasons, These free radicals can damage cells and cause various chronic diseases, premature aging, etc.

Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage and neutralize free radicals. It helps to increase life span, foster cognitive development, and protect your budgies from chronic diseases.

Celery, cauliflower, carrots, etc are some of the veggies that are rich in antioxidants and budgerigar can safely eat. You can also find antioxidants in fruits like watermelon, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, grapes, bananas, etc.


Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in two varieties, soluble and insoluble fiber. Both types of fiber are beneficial for health. It helps to maintain blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy digestive system.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps in the production of white blood cells. It protects budgies from cancer and age-related vision diseases.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrients that protect budgies from infections. It also acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage. It will boost the immune system of your budgies that will protects them from various diseases.


Calcium is an important nutrient needed in budgies’ diet, but most of the time birds don’t get enough calcium. Dairy products are the main source of calcium and birds are intolerant to dairy products. Calcium helps the lactating females and baby budgies, it also helps build strong feathers and bones.


A diet rich in potassium is important for normal body function. Potassium helps to maintain a normal fluid level inside the cells. It is a type of electrolyte that carries a small electrical charge that helps all the nerves and muscles to function properly.

Apart from these, vitamin B-6, vitamin K, phosphorus, and sodium are also needed in budgies diet.

List of Vegetables that Can Budgies Eat?

To meet all these nutrients, budgies need a variety of vegetables in their diet. List of vegetables that your budgerigar can eat and contain nutrients:-


Carrot is a vegetable that most of the budgies love to eat. It offers a wide variety of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, etc. So, it should be included in the list of vegetables that budgies can eat.


Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable that your budgies can eat safely. It contains many vitamins and minerals that will benefit your budgies health. It is rich in vitamins C, K, and B6, antioxidants, folate, choline, etc.


You can feed your budgies cabbage, it offers a wide array of nutrients. You just have to make sure that you feed them in moderation because it contain 90 to 99% of water. A high percentage of water can sometimes upset their stomach. Feeding in moderation will give them many nutrients like  vitamins A, B6, C, and K, fiber, calcium, and potassium.


Cucumber is one of the favorite vegetable that budgies like to much on. It is a perfect healthy snacks for your budgies. It contains nutrients like vitamins C, K, potassium and fiber.


Pumpkin is also a great option for your budgies, particularly pumpkin seeds. Yes, you can feed your budgies pumpkin seeds. It is packed with lots of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.

Other vegetables

Budgies can also eat lettuce and celery, they love to eat leafy green vegetables. The most interesting thing, more than eating they like to play with them.

You can give them for mental stimulation, but don’t give them in access amount. Get more information about lettuce and celery, the amount and how often you can give. You can also feed broccoli, sweet potato, Spinach and kale.

So, these are the list of vegetables that can budgies eat. You should pick some of the veggies that you budgies like and feed them in rotation.

what vegetables can budgies not eat?

Many people say “if we can eat them than budgies can also eat” but this is absolutely wrong. There are many fruits and vegetables that are healthy for us but not for budgies, not just unhealthy it can even kill them.

What Vegetables Can Budgies Not Eat?

So, you should be very careful about what you are feeding to your feathered friends. You should read blogs and get more information about what you can feed and how you can feed to your parakeets.

List of vegetables that you should not feed to your budgies are tomatoes, mushrooms, raw beans, onions, garlic, etc. Some people feed their budgies tomatoes in a regular manner, but according to veterinarians, it is acidic and can slowly kill your birds.

what vegetables can budgies eat every day?

There is no vegetable that your budgies should eat every day. Vegetables are not a part of their staple diet. It just contain 10 to 15% of their diet which should be met by varieties of vegetables.

So, you can not feed any vegetable every day to your budgerigar, it will make them full and they will not eat other fruits and vegetables which ultimately leads to nutrients deficiency.

It’s better to feed one vegetable once or twice a week, this will help them meet wide variety of nutrients.

how do I get my budgies to eat vegetables?

I know your budgies don’t like anything other than pellets and seeds. Some parakeets even don’t like the seeds, they only eat pellets. To make them eat vegetables is a tough task but not impossible.

As we know, vegetables contains many essential nutrients that is needed to your budgies to live a healthy life. So, it is important to feed vegetables to your budgies.

Some parakeets like mine, love to eat vegetables as a tasty snack but I have seen many budgies who don’t want to try vegetables.

Few tips to get your budgies eat vegetables

1. Cut the vegetable into small pieces and mix them with their favorite fruits.

2. Chop the vegetables into small pieces and mix them with their favorite seeds. Wet vegetables will get stick to the seeds, while eating seeds they will automatically eat vegetables.

Few Tips To Get Your Budgies Eat Vegetables

3. Start with green leafy veggies like celery, lettuce or spinach. You can sprinkle some water and hang them on the corner of the cage, they will take shower and love to play with them. While playing they will munch on these leafy vegetables. Don’t forget to remove the wet hanging vegetables because it can make them ill.

These are tried and tested method, and worked on many budgies, hopefully it will work on your budgies too.

can budgies eat raw vegetables?

Yes, budgies should eat raw vegetables. Raw vegetables will give them more nutrition than cooked vegetables. Cooking lost some nutrients from the food. You can give them cooked too but don’t add any seasonal salt and try to give them boiled or steamed.

It’s always recommended to feed your fethered friends raw vegetables.

What vegetables Can Baby Budgies Eat?

Baby budgies can eat cauliflower, cabbage, carrots and cucumber. I would not recommend you to give celery, lettuce or any high water content vegetables to your budgies. It is tough for baby budgies to digest high water content vegetables.


Q.1 what salad vegetables can budgies eat?

Ans. Salad vegetables that can budgies eat are cucumber, carrot, lettuce, celery, spinach, etc.

Q.2 can budgies eat frozen vegetables?

Ans. Yes, budgies can eat frozen vegetables but thaw them before offering to your budgies. It is always recommended to give fresh vegetables.

Q3. what human food can budgies eat?

Ans. Human food that can budgies eat are pellets, seed mix, cucumber, banana, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, pineapple, pomegranate seeds, carrot, cauliflower, etc

What Vegetables Can Budgies Eat? – Final Thought

To give you a short answer about what vegetables can budgies eat. Budgies can eat carrot, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, pumpkin seeds and lettuce.

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