What Fruits Can Budgies Eat?

I was always confused about what fruits can budgies eat.

Due to this, I filled their diet with seeds and pellets.

After consulting with a vet, I learned that 10-15% of budgies diet should contain fruits.

I learned everything about what fruits can budgies eat and how each fruit contributes to their health.

In short; bananas, berries, cherries, grapes, pineapple, pomegranate, kiwi, and watermelon are some of the fruits that can budgies eat.

Why should budgies eat fruit?

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

These nutrients play an important role in building and maintaining budgie’s health.

A lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet can affect important organs like heart and liver.

Feeding different fruits will also add variety to their diet.

He will enjoy having different types of fruits as an occasional treat.

Before feeding any fruit to your budgies you should be fully aware of what fruits you they can eat and what not.

Important vitamins and minerals Needed in a Budgie’s Diet?

Important vitamins and minerals Needed in a Budgie’s Diet?

This will help you decide the list of fruits budgies can eat.


Antioxidants play a vital role in making budgies healthy.

Benefits of antioxidants:-

  1. It prevents oxidative stress and improves brain function and memory.
  2. It fosters cognitive development.
  3. It prevents chronic disease.

This nutrient is essential and your budgies should eat fruits that contain antioxidants.

Fruits that contain antioxidants are watermelon, kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, grapes, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, etc.


Fiber helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.

It maintains bowel health and prevents issues like constipation, gas, etc.

These are kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, grapes, berries, bananas, etc.

Vitamin A

It improves eyesight.

Fruits that will provide vitamin A to your budgies are bananas, kiwi, watermelon, etc.

Vitamin B-6

This vitamin is good for the nervous system and it also boosts the immune system.

Budgies can eat fruits like cherries, pineapple, pomegranate, etc

These are rich in vitamin B-6.

Vitamin C

It is good for heart health.

Fruits that can budgies eat to get vitamin C are bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, pineapple, pomegranate, kiwi, watermelon, etc.


It helps in building strong bones, feathers, and teeth.

Fruits that contain calcium are pineapple, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, etc.


It supports cardiovascular health and helps in water retention.

Fruits that budgies have to get potassium are kiwi, pomegranate, pineapple, grapes, cherries, strawberries, bananas, etc.

What Fruits Can Budgies Eat?

What Fruits Can Budgies Eat?

List of fruits that can budgies have:-


Watermelon is a nutritious fruit that budgies can eat safely.

This fruit contains lycopene, antioxidants, vitamin A, and vitamin C

It is good for the heart, brain, immune system, and eyesight.


This fruit everyone should feed to their budgies.

It is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C and has high water content.

It helps maintain the digestive system, foster cognitive development, and protect from chronic disease.


It contains vitamin C and antioxidants that help improve the immune system.

Vitamin B-6 fosters cognitive development and potassium maintains cardiovascular health.

Also, Budgies like the sweet and juicy taste of pomegranate seeds.


Yes, budgies do eat pineapple.

Pineapple is best for bone health, as it contains calcium and magnesium.

It is also rich in vitamin B-6, vitamin C, and antioxidants.


Grapes are a great source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and manganese.

These minerals help to build strong bones, feathers, and teeth.

It also contains zeaxanthin which is good for budgie’s eyesight.

Make sure to feed in moderation because it has high sugar content.


Budgies can eat this fruit twice a week.

It contains melatonin which helps to maintain a good sleep cycle.

It also has vitamin B-6, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidant benefits.


It is a good source of anthocyanins that is beneficial for heart health.

Every 100 grams of raspberries contains only 57 calories which makes them fat free treat.


Budgies can also eat this fruit.

This is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

It helps to alleviate heat stress-related problems.


Blueberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K which help to build strong bones.

It also contains fiber that improves the digestive system.


Bananas are one of the favorite fruits of budgies.

Apart from its sweet taste, it contains benefits of many important nutrients like Potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

Other fruits that can budgies eat

  1. Apple(remove the seeds)
  2. Guavas
  3. Pear
  4. Figs
  5. Peach
  6. Cranberries
  7. Mango

Before feeding any fruits, read detailed posts on that to get to know which part of the fruit is edible for budgies.

what fruit can budgies not eat?

Most of the fruits are safe for budgies but some fruits must be given after removing the seeds.

Those fruits are cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, nectarines, and plums.

Seeds of these fruits contain cyanide and other harmful chemicals that can kill small birds.

You should also ignore citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, etc. It can upset their stomach.

You must also ignore avocado completely.

These are the list of fruits that budgies must not eat.

How often should budgies eat fruit?

You should fill 15% of budgie’s diet with fruits.

Don’t give the same fruit every day rather make a list of 5 to 6 fruits and rotate them.

Fruits that contain high amounts of sugar like strawberries, mangoes, etc should be given once a week.

Budgies can eat one fruit twice a week.

No matter how much your budgie likes the taste of any fruit, don’t give them more than twice a week.

Feed one fruit a day. The quantity of the fruit should be one or two small slices.

How to Feed Fruits to Your Budgie?

How to Feed Fruits to Your Budgie?

Before feeding, You have to prepare the fruits.

Preparation is more important because it’s important to make fruits easy and safe for budgies to eat.

How to prepare fruits that can budgies eat?


  1. Wash the fruit carefully.
  2. Peel the fruit to add extra safety from chemicals.
  3. Cut them into small pieces.
  4. Remove the seeds if it is poisonous to budgies.
  5. Serve in a dish or a bowl.

two interesting ways to feed fruits to your budgies

Apart from simply serving in a dish, you can try something creative.

Many budgie owners have a problem that their budgie don’t want to eat fruits.

Take juicy fruits like pomegranate seeds, grapes, or watermelon.

Chop them and mix them with seeds. When they eat seeds, they will automatically eat the juicy part of the fruit.

If your budgies eat fruits then I would suggest you to hand-feed them.

This will make your bonding stronger and the cage will also remain clean.

What fruits can baby budgies eat?

They can eat all the fruits that normal budgies eat.

Just make sure it should not be under-ripped.

Baby budgies have small mouths so fruits should be chopped finely.

what dried fruit can budgies eat?

Budgies can eat a dried form of any fruit that is safe for them.

For example, dried bananas, dried grapes, dried blueberries, etc

Budgies can eat dried fruits but it is not recommended.

In the drying process, all waters get removed and sugar gets saturated.

Budgies will eat double when the fruit is dried. And high intake of sugar will upset their stomach and also make them obese.

Which canned fruits do budgies eat?

Budgies do not eat any canned fruit.

You should not give them because canned fruits are preserved with the help of chemicals.

These chemicals can harm budgies.

Which fruit juice can budgies have?

Budgie can have the juice of bananas, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, etc

Fruit juice is rich in nutrients but should be given as an occasional treat.

As you know, to avoid chemicals you should give them homemade juice.

what fruit seeds can budgies eat?

You should not give them seeds separately. Also, you don’t need to remove the seeds of most of the fruits.

Seeds of fruits like grapes, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, etc are safe for budgies.

They are small in size and will not create a choking hazard.

Some fruit seeds like watermelon, cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, nectarines, and plums are not safe for budgies due to their size or chemicals inside.

Final Thought – What Fruits Can Budgies Eat?

5 months before, I too was confused about what fruits can budgies eat but after consulting with a veterinary doctor all my doubts were cleared.

Budgies can eat fruits like watermelon, kiwi, pomegranate seeds, pineapples, grapes, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, etc.

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