Do Budgies Need Cuttlebone?

I was at my friend’s house “Joe”. He asked, “Do budgies need cuttlebone?Yes, budgies need cuttlebone, it is rich in calcium and many other minerals. After some days, I saw he had bought some cute colorful cuttlebones and clipped them on the cage bar. What rubbish, you shouldn’t make this mistake, always buy plain and natural cuttlebone.

That’s why I always said, to get the full information before applying on your budgies.

what is cuttlebone?

Cuttlebone is not a bone, it’s an internal shell of cuttlefish. When cuttlefish die, their internal shell is taken out and sold in the market. Cuttlefish is a cephalopod similar to an octopus or squid. They come from a family called mollusks.

Cuttlebone is a great diet supplement and exercise toy for birds. Their usage is not limited to birds, cuttlebone is also used in making jewelry.

why do budgies need cuttlebone?

Cuttlebones are rich in minerals, especially calcium. As we know, a budgie’s staple diet doesn’t contain much calcium due to which many budgies suffer calcium deficiency. Milk products are a rich source of calcium but budgies are intolerant of milk products. So, cuttlebone becomes very important for them.

Great source of minerals

Cuttlbones are a rich source of minerals which include calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus.

Calcium: It helps parakeets to build strong bones and feathers and it reduces the chance of blood clotting.

Zinc: Zinc is a trace mineral which means the body requires this in small amounts. But it doesn’t mean it has less value, it helps to boost the immune system, heal damaged tissue, and play an important role in the growth of cells.

Why Do Budgies Need Cuttlebone?

Magnesium: Magnesium is naturally present in many foods. It plays an important role in assisting 300 enzymes that help in building strong bones, regulating blood sugar, and helping in the proper functioning of the body.

Iron: Iron is an important mineral that helps make hemoglobin in red blood cells, it is a component in red blood cells which transport oxygen throughout the body. It plays a major role in healthy brain development.

Potassium: It helps to maintain normal fluid levels inside the cells. It also supports budgies in maintaining normal blood pressure.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a mineral that helps maintain the normal function of nerves, muscles, kidneys, heart, and bones in the body.

Female Budgies

Female budgies when laying eggs require a high amount of calcium and other minerals. Calcium deficiency in female budgies can cause a serious problem like egg binding. Egg binding occurs when an egg takes a longer time to pass out the reproductive tract.

Cuttlebone can also help female budgerigar to make egg shells strong enough that they will not easily crack when chicks are premature.

So, cuttlebone is very important for female budgies especially when they are breeding and laying eggs.

Young Budgies

Baby budgies need calcium and other minerals for strong bone formation.

beak grooming

There is a myth going around that cuttlebone can stop beak from overgrowing. Budgie’s beaks will overgrow only when they are suffering from any disease and in this case, you should consult with an avian veterinarian.

Yes, cuttlebone can help budgies groom their beaks. Budgies can grind their beaks on cuttlebone and make them smooth, attractive, and sharper.

Fun exercise

Cuttlebones can be a great toy for your feathered friends. They spend lots of time grinding their beaks on the cuttlebone or chewing the cuttlebone. It is a type of fun exercise for them that maintains their beaks healthy.

Budgies always want something to nibble or chew. You may notice many times they just chew the cuttlebone and spit out the powder.

Is Cuttlebone safe for budgies?

Yes, cuttlebone is safe for budgies. It is safe if you are buying plain and natural cuttlebone. Nowadays, in the market, cuttlebone is available in many fruit flavors. These color-coated cuttlebones are not good for budgies, you should always prefer plain cuttlebones.

do budgies like cuttlefish bone?

Yes, most of the budgies like cuttlefish bone. They feel so much pleasure when they grind their beaks on cuttlebone. It is a great toy for their mental stimulation. My budgies spend lots of time playing with them.

How do I Feed Cuttlebone to my Budgies?

You don’t have to worry about how to serve them, it comes with a clip. You can easily clip the cuttlebone from the bars. Make sure the soft side faces towards the budgies.

If your budgerigar are not interested in cuttlebones, place the cuttlebone in their favorite place. Favorite place means right next to their favorite perch.

Whether you have male or female budgies, cuttlebone is essential for both. So, you have to make them eat. If your all tries have no result, the best thing you can do is to scrape the cuttlebone and make it into the powder. Sprinkle these powders in seeds or fruits and give them to your budgies to eat.

can budgies eat too much cuttlebone?

No, budgies shouldn’t overeat cuttlebone. Anything in access can harm their body. High levels of calcium can cause constipation and kidney problems. It is not limited to calcium, overintake of any minerals whether it is potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, or iron has its side effects. It may cause diseases like diarrhea, mild nausea, arthritis, etc.

But what I have seen so far, parakeets eat cuttlebone when they require minerals, they don’t consume over. They just grind their beaks and spit out the powder. If your budgies also do this then you don’t have to worry, but to be on the safer side, remove the cuttlebone from the cage after a few hours.

do male budgies need a cuttlebone?

Yes, of course, male budgies need cuttlebone. Minerals are essential for everyone. You will understand by this simple sentence, “For female budgies, cuttlebone is a must”, and “For male budgies, cuttlebone is a need”.

Male budgies need calcium for the strong growth of bones, nerves, and feathers.

Which is better for budgies, cuttlebone or mineral block?

Cuttlebone and mineral block are both good for budgies, but if I have to choose one, I will go with cuttlebone.

Both are different, they contain different nutrients. Cuttlebones are primarily composed of calcium carbonate and contain other minerals in small quantities while minerals blocks are made of calcium, salt, and other minerals.

Which Is Better For Budgies, Cuttlebone Or Mineral Block?

You can have both but if you want to select any one, always go with cuttlebone. Cuttlebones are natural, which is why most people recommend cuttlebones over mineral blocks.

Budgies also use cuttlebones to grind their beaks which is less likely possible with mineral blocks. I’m not saying mineral blocks are not good enough, they also contain different minerals that can help budgerigar develop strong eggs and bones.

You can give both but don’t forget to give them in moderation.

Why is my Budgie not Using Cuttlebone?

There can be many reasons for your budgies not using Cuttlebone. Like, you may have clipped the cuttlebone in the wrong place or it could be threatening to them. You should place the cuttlebone right next to their favorite perch. If he is scared of cuttlebone then you should convert it into a powder and sprinkle it on the seeds or fruits.

You should not force your feathered friends to eat cuttlebone, leave it in the cage, they will use it when they need to grind their beaks.

To fulfill their calcium supplement, you can feed fruits and vegetables that are rich in calcium. For example, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, pineapple, grapes, raspberries and strawberries are some of the fruits and vegetables that are rich in calcium.

How Often Should I Change My Pet’s Cuttlebone?

Cuttlebone doesn’t have an expiry date, they can last for weeks or even months. If you have bought fruit-flavored cuttlebone then you may see an expiry date on them.

Cuttlebone can easily get contaminated, so you have to save them from budgie’s droppings and water. When it gets wet, it absorbs the liquid which makes it softer and less useful.

You can’t clean them with clothes or any other things when they get contaminated, you have to throw them away.


Q.1 How to clean cuttlefish bone for birds?

Ans. You can’t clean cuttlefish bone at home, it is a medical process and shouldn’t be tried at home.

Q.2 How to preserve cuttlefish bone?

Ans. You can preserve them by keeping them away from water or droppings.

Q.3 Can budgies eat cuttlebone?

Ans. Yes, budgies can eat cuttlebone.

Q.4 Is cuttlebone good for budgies?

Ans. Yes, cuttlebone is good for budgies, as it is rich in calcium and other minerals.

Q.5 Where does cuttlebone come from?

Ans. Cuttlebone comes from the cuttlefish. It is the internal shell of cuttlefish.

Do Budgies Need Cuttlebone? – Final Thought

Many people have asked me this question “Do budgies need cuttlebone?” I hope you all got the answer, yes, budgies need cuttlebone. Make sure to buy plain and natural cuttlebone for your budgies.

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