Do Budgies Like Music?

Do Budgies like music? Like humans, every budgie has its taste and preferences. If the answer to the question is yes then few more things you should also know like “What kind of music do budgies like”, What should be the volume? and many more.

Yes, budgies like music but each budgies is different, some may like music and even chirp or dance to music while some may not show any interest or even get scared or stressed from music.

So, it’s clear that yes, budgies like music but don’t you find it strange? Animals generally don’t respond to music but budgies do not just respond, they mimic and even dance.

Why Do Budgies Like Music?

Humans make spontaneous movements when they hear music which is called dance.

As per current biology, this movement is absent in many species (including monkeys) but budgies are more like humans, they make movements when they enjoy music. You may have seen in some videos budgies dancing to music.

Budgies are curious and even enjoy sounds that they hear in their surroundings, so it’s quite obvious that they like music.

But like humans, every budgie has their likes or dislikes, some budgies may like music while others don’t.

What Kind of Music Do Parakeets Like?

What kind of music do you like? Every human has different tastes and preferences, it is the same as the budgies.

They are naturally found in grasslands or forests where they live in large flocks. So, It’s better to start with natural sounds like the sound of floating water, birds chirping, etc

What Kind of Music Do Parakeets Like?

Do you know what beauty of having budgies as pets? They are like humans with individual personalities and preferences. And with time you will start knowing them better.

Some budgies may like rap music while others may dislike it. Generally, budgies like repetitive lyrics or tunes because it helps them learn and mimic the music.

R&B, pop, classical, and melodies are some of the music that usually appeals to them,

do budgies like rap, metal, and rock music?

I have read many articles and most of them have written the same thing, budgies only like calming music, They don’t like high-beat metal, rock, or rap music.

But the fact is I have seen many budgies (including mine) who love high-beat metal, rock, or rap music.

It is difficult to learn and mimic rock or rap music thatswhy most budgie owners guess that budgies will not like this music?

Yes, budgies are indeed sensitive to sound, and sudden loud sounds can scare and stress them. I recommend you try this music at medium volume and when your budgies become familiar with the music.

do budgies like classical and melody music?

Yes, budgies like classical and melodies music. Classical music is the safest music you can start with after nature music. These are the most recommended music for budgies.

It creates a pleasant environment where budgies enjoy the melodies and nature of the sound. Budgies are vocal birds and like mimicking sounds.

Classical music is slow and has repetitive tunes or lyrics which makes it easy for budgies to learn and mimic.

Do budgies like pop music?

Budiges are active birds and pop music is the most loved music by them. Pop music is the music to which budgies love to dance.

They dance by bobbing their head and moving back and forth. Pop music has a perfect beat, and speed and its lyrics and tunes are repetitive which makes it perfect for budgies to chirp, mimic, and dance.

Do Budgies Like When You Sing to Them?

It depends on the tone, melody, and volume of your singing. If they appear relaxed, content, and engage in vocalization, it’s a positive sign.

If they pluff up their feather, scream, or move away from you, it means Budgie doesn’t like your singing.

As per Plus One, Parrots are known for their ability to vocally imitate humans. It means when you sing to them, they will imitate you, this will create a very joyful and playful moment for both of you.

It can be the best way to make you bond stronger with your budgie.

How Do You Know if Your Budgie Likes Music?

To know whether your parakeets like music or not, you have to closely monitor their body language and facial reactions when you play music.

Budgies can have various reactions to music. Some budgies may be more expressive than others.

Hold on For a minute! when I say parakeet, don’t be confused, They both are the same and can be called interchangeably most of the time.

How Do You Know if Your Budgie Likes Music?

If your budgies show these behaviors and reactions it means they like music:-

  1. Vocalization: When budgies are enjoying the music they make different sounds like chirping or mimicking the music.
  2. Dancing: Some budgies are more expressive, they start dancing or bobbing their head in response to music.
  3. Curiosity: Some budgies are curious, they try to find the source of the music and with interest they continuously see towards them.
  4. Playfulness: Budgies can become more active and start playing with toys.
  5. Contentment: Budgie who is enjoying will exhibit happiness and relaxation.

Some budgies will become active when you play music while others will enjoy music peacefully in a relaxed posture.

Signs Your Bird Is Scared of Music

When your budgies don’t like music or are scared of music they can exhibit many behaviors and you have to carefully monitor their behavior to take the right action on time.

Some of the common behaviors they exhibit are:-

  • Increased Vocalization: They will start chirping or squawking loudly as a sign of distress or fear.
  • Puffed Up: When budgies are scared or stressed, they usually puff up their feathers.
  • Hiding: They may hide in the bottom corner of the cage.
  • Erratic Flying: When budgies don’t like music or are stressed from the loud volume of the music, they start erratic flying around the cage in an attempt to escape.
  • Rapid Beak Clicking: When budgies rapidly click their beaks it means they are stressed or anxious.

There is a possibility that your budgie may exhibit other concerning behavior. If you see any uncommon concerning behavior, facial expression, or vocalization when music is playing, immediately stop the music.

How to Calm Down Your Budgie?

The main cause of stress for budgies is the loudness of music. Budgies like to listen to music on medium volume. High volume can scare or stress them. That’s why I don’t recommend you to start with rap or any fast music with many variations in pitches.

Sudden loudness can scare them, always starts with soft and melodies music, when you budgie become familiar with music then introduce high pitches and fast music.

Here are a few tips to calm down your budgie:-

  1. Stop music immediately and avoid any fast movement.
  2. Try to interact with your budgie gently and calmly.
  3. Keep the noise level low in your budgie’s environment.

Can Budgies Sleep with Music?

I would not recommend you play music when your budgie is sleeping. Do you like to sleep with music? Most people don’t.

Budgies also need silence when they are sleeping. Budgies need some quiet time during the day and, at night, they don’t want any disturbance during that time.

Playing music when budgies want to sleep can lead to sleep deprivation which will result in many health issues.

How To Introduce Budgies To Music?

Budgie owners usually make mistakes in introducing budgies to music and ask Do budgies like music? Yes, my friend most of the budgies like music but you have to introduce to them carefully.

Firstly make them familiar with music, so it’s better to start with soft and melodic music because birds are sensitive to sound and sudden loudness can scare them (reference).

Classical music is the most preferred music for budgies to start with. Their lyrics and tunes can easily be predicted which makes budgies interact with the music.

How To Introduce Budgies To Music?

In the initial few days, play at a low volume and make sure to play during that time. The session should be shorter 15 to 30 minutes.

Try to interact with budgies when music is playing, this will make them feel comfortable with the music. After a few days, you can start trying different music of different genres. There are two personalities of budgies, calm and excitable.

Calms budgies will most probably like classical or melodic music while excitable budgies will like rock, pop, and other upbeat music.

should I play music for my budgie when I’m gone outside?

It entirely depends on two things:-

  1. Number of hours you will be outside.
  2. Your budgies familiarity with music.

If you stay outside for long hours, it is not recommended to leave playing music because budgies need some quiet time to rest and they don’t want any disturbance during that time.

Some budgies get familiar with the music and they like playing music in the background. You can leave playing music if you have a single parakeet.

Like humans, budgies also get irritated with music when it is played for long hours.

My recommendation is, if you are going outside for only one or two hours, you can play soft music at a low volume. It is not recommended to play music continuously for more than two hours.


Q. Are parakeets sensitive to music?

Ans. Yes, Parakeets are sensitive to music if they are not familiar with music or are not properly introduced to music by their owner.

Q. what music do budgies like to dance to?

Ans. Pop music is the favorite music for budgies to dance.

Q. Do budgies like loud music?

Ans. No, budgies don’t like loud music. Some budgies like to dance to loud music but it should not be played for long hours.

Q. do budgies dance to music?

Ans. Yes, budgies dance to music. Their favorite dance steps are bobbing their head and moving back and forth.

Q. Do budgies chirp to music?

Ans. Yes, budgies chirp to music. When they enjoy music, they start chirping and mimicking the music.

Q. do budgies like piano music?

Ans. Yes, budgies like piano music. Budgies like the melodious and harmonious sound of a piano.

Do Budgies Like Music? – Final Thought

I hope you got enough information on “Do budgies like music?” and “What kind of music do budgies like?”

In short, Yes, budgies like music, and the kind of music depends on their personal preference.

Thank You!

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