Can Budgies Eat Strawberries?

3 months ago, my friend Emma and I were eating strawberries while playing with Budgie, She asked me why I didn’t give strawberries to Budgie. And I was like can budgies eat strawberries?

She doesn’t have the answer. So, I went to the vet and asked other experienced budgie owners.

With much research and feeding my budgies strawberries for 3 months, I got enough information which is very important for you to know.

Yes, budgies can eat strawberries. It contains many nutrients like calcium and protein that are essential for the proper functioning of all body parts.

The 5 Reasons Why Should Budgies Eat Strawberries

To Stay Hydrated

A Strawberry contains 90% water in it. 75% of bird bodies are made up of water.

They need at least 5% of their body weight water every day to replace the water lost from waste removal.

My budgie doesn’t drink enough water, so I try to feed them fruits and vegetables that contain a good amount of water.

Good For Bones and Teeth

Reasons Why Should Budgies Eat Strawberries

Strawberries are a good source of calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These mineral intakes are essential for budgies for healthier growth of bones, feathers, and teeth.

Boost Immune System

Budgies are prone to many diseases and viruses. A strong immune system is necessary for budgies to protect themselves from viruses.

Strawberries contain vitamin C which helps improve the immune system. It also helps in alleviating heat stress-related problems.

Give Instant Energy

Every 100 gm of strawberries contains 4.86 gm of sugar. As we know, sugar gives instant energy.

These sugars are fructose, sucrose, and glucose. When they eat strawberries, they feel energetic and active.

Is It Safe For Budgies to Eat Strawberries?

Yes, strawberries are safe for budgies. But strawberry is a part of “the dirty dozen” list.

It is a list of fruits and vegetables that have high levels of pesticide residues. You can ignore this problem by washing strawberries carefully.

Otherwise, Strawberries are healthy for budgies if it is fed in the right quantity. Strawberries contain sugar and overfeeding can make them obese.

Do Budgies Like to Eat Strawberries?

Most of the budgies like the sweet taste of strawberries. But they have a problem with its red color, parrots are scared of red color.

In the animal kingdom, many birds have red color on the wings that only show when they fly away, which signals danger to other birds.

When it comes to taste, Like us, every budgie has its own likes or dislikes. Some budgies may like the taste of strawberries while others may not.

Do Budgies eat strawberries every day?

No, budgies should not eat strawberries every day. You should give 1 or 2 strawberries once or twice a week to your budgie as a healthy treat.

Fruits and vegetables should always be given as a treat. You can give different fruits and vegetables every day but they should not contain more than 25% of their diet.

Strawberries contain fat and feeding too many will make them obese. They need a variety of nutrients to live a healthy life.

If they get full by eating only strawberries, they will not eat other nutritional foods.

How To Serve Strawberries To Your Budgies?

How To Serve Strawberries To Your Budgies?

Budgies are afraid of red color, so, you have to be creative in serving strawberries to your budgies.

Wash the strawberry

As we know strawberries is the part of “the dirty dozen” list which means while growing they are sprayed with many chemicals.

These chemicals are strong enough to kill small birds like budgies. So, it is always better to wash them well.

To add extra safety, you can wash with baking soda and then with cold running water.

chop The Strawberries

Cut the strawberries into small pieces. Budgies have small beaks and large pieces sometimes tough for them to eat.

They will eat comfortably if pieces are cut in small sizes.

Be Creative

As I told you budgies are afraid of red color. So what do I do, I chop it into small pieces and mix it with other fruits and vegetables that can budgies eat like blueberries, cucumber, bananas, etc.

And serve it in a bowl. Doing this makes the red color of the strawberries less visible. Make sure to keep flies away from strawberries, otherwise, it can cause illness to your budgies.

Always remove the remaining strawberries after 4-5 hours from the cage.

Do Parakeets Eat Strawberries Seeds?

Do Parakeets Eat Strawberries Seeds?

Yes, parakeets or budgies can eat strawberry seeds.

Note: Budgies and parakeets are the same things, budgies are part of the parakeet family.

There is no harm to your budgies if they are eating strawberries with seeds. It contains almost the same nutrients, that flesh contains.

The added advantage is, that seeds are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps budgies maintain their digestive system strong. The most important thing, it is almost impossible to remove strawberry seeds by themselves.

Video Of Budgie eating strawberry

Can Budgies have strawberry leaves or tops?

Yes, budgies can have strawberry leaves or tops. They are edible and contain many nutritional benefits.

Both leaves and strawberries top is a good source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, tannins, and antioxidants.

Tannins help budgies in digestion and stomach cramps. Antioxidant plays an important role in maintaining good heart health. But leaves contain more pesticides than fruits if it is grown inorganically.

So, try to buy organic strawberries or wash them carefully before feeding them to your budgies.

Can Baby Budgies Eat Strawberries?

Yes, baby budgies can eat strawberries. I will recommend you wait till they reach 4 to 6 weeks of age.

Baby budgies have small beaks and big pieces of strawberries will be tough to eat. So, chop the strawberries into fine pieces.

You can also mix strawberries with other fruits or vegetables that baby budgies can eat. Don’t forget to give in moderation, overeating can affect negatively baby budgies.

Can Budgies Eat freeze-dried Strawberries?

Can Budgies Eat freeze-dried Strawberries?

Yes, budgies can eat freeze-dried strawberries.

But fresh strawberries are healthier as they contain water and less sugar. In freeze-dried strawberries, water is removed and sugar gets concentrated.

Regularly feeding them will negatively affect their body. You can serve them as a treat but don’t give them in a regular interval.

Can Birds Eat Strawberry Jam?

No, budgies should not eat strawberry jam.

Strawberry jam contains a high amount of sugar and preservatives. Eating high-sugar food can damage their internal organ.

Not just strawberry jam, you should not feed your budgies any type of jam.

Final Thought – Can Budgies Eat Strawberries?

Thanks to my friend Emma who asked me this question “Can Budgies Eat Strawberries?” Because of her, I added this healthier treat to my budgies diet.

So, yes definitely budgies eat strawberries. It contains many healthier nutrients. But make sure to feed them in moderation and the majority of their diet should contain pellets and seeds.

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