Can Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

I know you want to share pomegranate seeds with your budgies but one question disturbing you, “Can budgies eat pomegranate seeds?”

2 months before, I was also facing this dilemma.

However, after consulting with vets and experimenting on my budgies, I got many experiences.

Yes, budgies eat pomegranate seeds. It contains many healthy nutrients like antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, potassium, and fiber. These nutrients are essential for your budgies to live them healthy life.

Is It Safe For Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

Is It Safe For Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds

Yes, it is safe for budgies to eat pomegranate seeds.

However, it contains 14 grams of natural sugar in every 100 grams of pomegranate seeds. It means if they eat pomegranate seeds every day, they will get obese.

You should not take obesity lightly, it is the cause of many diseases. An obese budgie is vulnerable to many diseases.

Pomegranate seeds are not poisonous and if you are feeding in the right quantity, it will not harm them.

The 4 Reasons Why Should Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds

It boosts the immune system

Pomegranates are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Vitamin C helps boost the immune system, and antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, indirectly boosting the immune system.

Improve Memory

Pomegranates contain vitamin B-6 which plays an important role in cognitive development.

Antioxidants present in pomegranates prevent oxidative stress which improves brain function and increases memory.

Maintain Cardiovascular Health

Pomegranates are rich in potassium.

Potassium intake is important for your budgies for maintaining cardiovascular health and the nervous system.

If they don’t like to eat pomegranate seeds, try other fruits that contain this nutrient. Fruits like grapes, strawberries, or bananas are rich in potassium, you can try these fruits.

Maintain A Healthy Digestive System

Pomegranates contain fiber.

Fiber plays an important role in maintaining bowel health, it prevents issues like constipation, bloating, or gas.

Do Budgies Like To Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

Budgies like the sweet and juicy taste of pomegranate seeds.

My budgies love to eat pomegranate seeds, but there is a chance that your budgies will not like them.

Like us, birds can also have different likes and dislikes.

Generally, budgies love the sweet taste.

Out of my 6 budgies, 4 like the taste of pomegranate seeds.

Some budgies take time to accept new things, you should give at least 3 to 4 tries.

Can Parakeets Eat Pomegranate Seeds Every Day?

No, you should not feed pomegranate seeds every day to your budgies.

To take only positive things, feeding in the right quantity is very important.

If budgies eat pomegranate seeds every day,

  1. Their sugar quantity will make them obese.
  2. Eating sugar in large quantities can affect their digestive system.
  3. Eating the same fruit every day will cause nutrition deficiency.
  4. Their regular diet must contain pellets and seeds.
  5. Pomegranate seeds should be served as an occasional treat.

So, you should give one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds once or twice a week.

If your budgies getting fat, you can substitute this fruit with pineapple, many budgies like to eat pineapple.

How To Serve Pomegranate Seeds To Your Budgies?

How To Serve Pomegranate Seeds To Your Budgies

To let budgies eat pomegranate seeds properly, you have to serve them well.

Two stages are preparing and serving.

It is very simple to prepare, follow the given steps:-

  1. Wash the pomegranate carefully to make sure the outer chemical will not mix with the seeds.
  2. Cut from half and take out the seeds into the plate.

You can serve pomegranate seeds to your parakeet in 3 ways.

The last one is my method.

1st method to feed budgies pomegranate seeds

This method is simple, you just have to take out the seeds into the plate and place it in the cage.

2nd method to feed parakeet pomegranate seeds

This method is highly recommended to those whose budgies don’t like to eat anything other than pellets and seeds.

My friend budgies don’t like anything other than pellets and seeds.

I shared this method with him and it works.

Mix pomegranate seeds with normal seeds that budgies like to eat and serve them in a dish.

Pomegranate seeds are juicy, they will stick with other seeds.

When budgies peck the seeds, they will automatically eat the juicy part of the pomegranate seeds.

my method of serving pomegranate seeds

My budgies love to eat pomegranate seeds, so this method will work with those only.

I take the seeds in my hand and hand-feed my budgies.

This will make your relationship stronger.

The most important benefit is that your budgies will not create a mess and you don’t need to clean the cage after feeding them.

Can Baby Budgies Have Pomegranate Seeds?

Yes, baby budgies can have pomegranate seeds.

I asked this question to the vet, and he said yes you can.

But you should wait at least 3 to 4 weeks of age.

Make sure the pomegranates are not under-ripened otherwise, it will be tough for them to chew.

Do Budgies Eat Pomegranate Skin?

Yes, budgies can eat pomegranate skin but it is not recommended.

Pomegranate skins are not poisonous but it also doesn’t contain much nutrition.

Skins are tough for budgies to chew and it can cause digestive issues.

If you want to give, wash it carefully.

It may contain pesticides that can affect their health.

Can Budgies Drink Pomegranate Juice?

Do Budgies Like To Eat Pomegranate Seeds

Yes, budgies can have pomegranate juice.

Make sure to give them in moderation.

Pomegranate juice contains sugar that can cause theme obesity and other health-related issues.

Pomegranate juice is acidic, so you have to dilute it by adding some water.

Sometimes you can give them juice but fresh fruits should always be your first choice.

Final Thought – Can Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

So, I think now you are clear with this question “Can Budgies Eat Pomegranate Seeds?”

Yes, budgies eat pomegranate seeds.

You should give one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds once or twice a week.

All the best!!

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