Can Budgies Eat Kiwi?

When I came back home. I saw my brother was feeding kiwi to my budgies, I asked “Can budgies eat kiwi?”

He said, “I don’t know, maybe yes”.

I immediately took back the bowl from the cage.

I met with a vet and asked some experienced owners.

Yes, budgies eat kiwi. It provides a wide range of nutrients that are important for your budgies.

Now, it’s been 4 months since I’ve been feeding kiwi to my budgies.

I will suggest you know all the related questions before trying on your budgies.

Is it safe for budgies eat kiwi?

Is it safe for budgies eat kiwi

Yes, kiwi is safe for budgies.

Not just the fruit, budgies can safely eat skins and seeds.

It is not poisonous but overeating can cause problems.

High fiber content in kiwi can upset their digestive system if fed in high quantities.

Overeating can also cause obesity.

So, it is safe but should be fed in the right quantity to avoid their side effect.

Is Kiwi good for budgies?

Yes, kiwi is good for budgies, not just the good, there are many health benefits of eating kiwi for budgies.

The 4 Reasons Why Should Budgies Eat Kiwi

To Maintain a Healthy Digestive system

Kiwis are rich in fiber. Fiber plays an important role in maintaining proper bowel movement.

Eating kiwis often will keep your budgies away from digestive issues like constipation, bloating, or gas.

Protect from chronic disease

Chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

Kiwis contain vitamin C and antioxidants.

These two nutrients protect cells from free radicals which are important in protecting them from chronic diseases.

Improve brain function

Antioxidants that are present in kiwis are the best nutrient for proper brain development.

It prevents oxidative stress helps boost memory and fosters cognitive development.

Helps to stay hydrated

Of 100 grams of kiwi, 86 grams are water quantity.

If your budgies don’t drink enough water then these fruits should be added to their diet.

Watermelon is also a great source of water, if your budgies don’t like kiwi, you can try watermelon as a treat.

do budgies like kiwi?

Most of the budgies like to eat kiwi.

Kiwis are sweet and budgies love to eat sweet fruits.

Some budgies take time to try new foods.

It would be best if you tried giving them at least 3 to 4 times.

If your budgies are not eating even after trying for 4 times, you should try other fruits that budgies can eat.

Every human is different and their taste varies a lot.

It goes the same with budgies, every budgies is different and has its likes and dislikes.

So, there is no clear answer, your budgies may like or dislike it.

Can budgies Eat Kiwi Fruit Every Day?

Can budgies Eat Kiwi Fruit Every Day

No, it would be best if you did not feed Kiwi every day to your budgies.

Reasons for not eating it every day:-

  1. Fruits contain natural sugar and overeating can cause obesity.
  2. Eating the same fruit every day and not trying other fruits can cause nutrient deficiency.

Fruits only contain 10 to 15% of budgies diet, of which 15% should be met by different fruits.

You should rotate fruits and should not give the same fruit more than twice a week.

2-3 slices of kiwis once or twice a week is a good quantity and frequency for your parakeets.

How To Serve Kiwi To Your Budgies?

You can serve Kiwi in many ways.

There is no perfect way. The main goal is to make it convenient for your budgies to eat.

A few steps are common in every method of serving:-

  1. Wash it carefully so that all pesticides get removed.
  2. Peel the skin if you don’t want to take any risks.
  3. Cut them into small and thin slices.

The first and simple method of serving

Put the chopped slices in a dish and serve them in their cage.

Second method of serving kiwis

Budgie’s 25% of the diet should contain vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables are necessary for budgies to give them all the vital nutrients.

Budies eat kiwi but if your budgies don’t like to eat any fruits or vegetables, you can try this method.

Chop the kiwi into small pieces and mix it with seeds.

You can also mix them with juicy fruits that budgies like to eat like cherries or pomegranate seeds.

There is a high chance that they will eat kiwi while having seeds.

The third method of serving Kiwis

This is my favorite method.

Hand-feed kiwis to your budgies.

Everyone should try this method, there are many advantages of this method:-

  1. The cage will remain clean and your budgies will not create any mesh.
  2. Hand-feeding will make less waste.
  3. The best thing is it makes your bonding stronger.

Can Baby Budgies Have Kiwi?

Yes, baby budgies can have kiwi.

Make sure to peel the skin and chop the flesh.

You should wait until your budgie turns 4 weeks of age.

The kiwi seeds are tiny, they will not stuck in your budgie’s throat.

So, your baby parakeets can safely eat kiwis.

can parakeets eat kiwi seeds?

can parakeets eat kiwi seeds

Yes, they can eat kiwi with seeds.

Their seeds don’t contain any harmful chemicals and are edible.

It is also almost impossible to remove each seed from the kiwi.

It contains fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fats.

These nutrients are very important in growing and maintaining a healthy body.

So, you don’t need to remove seeds before serving them to your budgies.

can budgies eat kiwi skin?

Yes, you can feed kiwi skins but it is not recommended.

You can give a kiwi with skin if it is grown organically.

Inorganically grown kiwis contain pesticides that can kill small birds like budgies.

To be on the safer side you should peel the skin.

can budgies eat golden kiwi?

Yes, parakeets can eat golden kiwi.

It contains the same nutrients as antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin C.

The serving process will always remain the same.

Eating golden kiwi in moderation will always give your budgies numerous health benefits.

can budgies eat dried kiwi?

No, you should not feed your budgies dried kiwi.

Dried kiwi contain pesticides and a high amount of concentrated sugar.

Overeating sugar can upset their stomach.

It can also make them obese and an obese budgie is vulnerable to many diseases.

You should give dried kiwi as an occasional treat once a month.

Final thought- Can Budgies Eat Kiwi?

I asked this question “Can Budgies Eat Kiwi?” to many vets and all gave me almost the same answer.

Yes, budgies eat kiwi. It is packed with many healthy nutrients.

You should give 2 slices of kiwi once or twice a week.

Thank You!

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