Can Budgies Eat Cucumbers?

Cucumber is very healthy for us, but can budgies eat cucumbers? When it comes to our feathered companions, we don’t want to take any risk.

So, I met with an avian vet to ask everything about their diet.

To answer in short, Yes, budgies can eat cucumbers. It contains various nutrients like vitamins C, K, potassium and fiber.

But you have to prepare them properly otherwise it can negatively affect their health.

are cucumbers good for budgies?

can budgies eat cucumbers?

As per FoodData Central, 95.9 grams of water is present in every 100 grams of cucumber making them an excellent choice for staying hydrated, especially during hot weather.

Yes, cucumber is good for budgies if given in moderation twice a week. Don’t include cucumbers in their everyday diet, it should be offered as an occasional treat. Any good food given in excessive amounts can negatively affect the body.

do budgies like cucumber?

Like humans, each budgie has its own taste and preferences, some may enjoy eating cucumber while others may not.

Most of the budgies like eating cucumber if it is given in a proper manner. It is a healthy as well as enjoyable food for them.

If they are not showing interest even after a few tries, don’t force them, there are many other fruits and vegetables available to provide them a wide variety of nutrients.

Health Benefits of Cucumbers for Budgies

Helps stay hydrated

Cucumbers are composed of over 95% water. It will help Budgie in staying hydrated, especially in hot weather.

Protects from obesity

100 grams of cucumber contains only 12 to 15 calories. Obesity is a common health problem that budgies face, adding cucumber will make their diet less fat.

excellent Source of Vitamins and Minerals

It contains vitamin K, vitamin C and potassium that will contribute to their overall health.

Carrot is also a good source of vitamin C, if your budgies like to eat carrots, you can serve them interchangeably.

Good for digestive health

Cucumber is rich in fiber, especially the skin, promoting healthy digestion and preventing constipation.

Can Budgies Eat Too Much Cucumber?

No, budgies should not eat too much cucumber. To give them a balanced diet, every food should be consumed in proper amount and frequency.

Potential cause of eating too much cucumber for budgies:-

  1. Nutritional Imbalance: Cucumber does not contain every essential nutrient budgies require to live a healthy life. Excessive consumption of cucumber will reduce their appetite for other essential food which will result in nutritional imbalance.
  2. Digestive Risk: Cucumber contains a high amount of water. Excessive intake can change their droppings and will affect the digestive system.
  3. Extra Cleaning: Due to excessive intake of water through cucumber, budgies will urine more and you have to clean the cage more frequently.

Risks of giving cucumber to budgies

If cucumber is not prepared in the right manner, it can create many risks to budgies. These are:-

1. As per the CNN article “The Dirty Dozen“, cucumber is also a part of the Dirty Dozen list, It is a group list of fruits and vegetables produced with the most pesticides. So you have to rinse it well and don’t forget to peel it.

2. Seeds are not bad for their health but they can stuck in their throat.

can budgies eat cucumber skin?

Yes, Budgies can eat cucumbers with skin. Its skin is very rich in fiber. But it can be risky, various pesticides and chemicals are present on the skin which can be harmful to your feathered friends.

If you want to give it without peeling it, make sure it is organic and wash it well with cold running water. But to be in the safer side, I recommend you peel the skin before giving it to your best companion.

can budgies eat cucumber seed?

Can Budgies eat Cucumbers' Seeds?

Budgies can eat cucumber seeds, but it’s generally a good practice to remove seeds before giving them to your small friends. While seeds are not considered toxic or harmful to budgies but there are some other reasons for this:-

  1. Digestive Ease: Budgies may have difficulty digesting seeds due to their hard outer shells.
  2. Preference: Many budgies prefer to eat cucumbers’ flesh over seeds. So, it’s better to give them a better eating experience by removing seeds from cucumber.
  3. Safety: Seeds can stuck in their throat.

how to give cucumber to budgies?

Many people often ask me why my budgie is not eating cucumber, can budgies really eat cucumber? or it is just a myth?

I always used to say to them, that budgies can eat cucumber if it is prepared in the right manner. It will take only a few minutes to prepare cucumber for your feathered friend. So, let’s get started:-

Step 1:

Try to get organic cucumber. Organic cucumber reduces many risks, otherwise, you have to be very careful while preparing. Rinse it with cold running water. Whether it is organic or not, you have to rinse them both very carefully to remove pesticides or other chemicals present on the surface.

Step 2:

Peel it to add extra safety. Cucumber skin contains many healthy nutrients but due to pesticides or other chemicals present on their surface make them dangerous to budgies.

Step 3:

It will be difficult for them to eat big pieces, to make it convenient for them, cut cucumber into small pieces or thin slices. Don’t add salt or any spices, give them plain. Spices can affect their digestive system.

How to Introduce cucumber to budgies?

Clean the dish to make sure there is no food residue left in it. Always serve fresh cucumber and remove the leftover in a few hours. Serve cucumber in a dish or cup. You can also attach it to the cage bars. Some budgies may be more curious to try new food while others may be cautious.

If they are not tasting even after many tries, mix cucumber with other foods like eggs and serve it to them. You can also add some leafy vegetables to make the meal attractive,

If your budgies eat lettuce, you can mix it with cucumber. You have to keep patience, your budgies may take some days to start eating cucumber. Every budgie has different habits, some like to try new foods while others don’t.

If even after many tries or even after testing it for some time, they are still resisting eating cucumber, don’t force them, there are many nutritious fruits and vegetables available, they them.

can baby budgies eat cucumber?

Yes, you can feed cucumber to baby parakeets. But you should be very careful. When budgies are very young, their primary source of nutrition should be their parents’ milk.

Wait until baby budgies are at least a few weeks old. When they grow older and start weaning, you can gradually start giving solid foods like cucumber.

But make sure:-

  1. Give in moderation, it should be one of several foods you introduce.
  2. Wash it thoroughly, peel it, and chop it into small pieces.

How Often Should Budgies Eat Cucumbers?

How Often Should Budgies Eat Cucumbers?
Photo: Spoiled Cucumber

Cucumber is very beneficial for your little companion if it is given in the right amount and frequency. It has a high water content so, excessive eating can lead to digestive upset.

It is not a complete source of nutrients, over-relying on it can lead to nutritional imbalance. Budgies need a diverse diet to meet all the necessary nutritional requirements and excessive eating of any food will reduce their interest in other food.

But yes, cucumber is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber so, your budgies can eat cucumbers twice a week.


Q. Can Budgies eat raw Cucumbers?

Ans. Yes, Budgies can eat raw cucumbers. In fact, it is recommended to give raw cucumbers.

Q. What vegetables are bad for budgies?

Ans. Avacado, Onion, Garlic, Rhubarb, Potato Greens, Raw Beans, Spinach (in Excess), Citrus Fruits, Mushrooms, Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts. These vegetables are generally not recommended for budgies.


In this article, we discuss many questions like Can budgies eat cucumbers? Is it safe for them? can budgies eat raw cucumbers? and many more.

So, you got the answer that yes, budgies can eat cucumbers but few cautions have to be taken care of.

Remember, if your budgie is gaining or losing weight rapidly, consult an avian veterinarian. If you are still reading, it shows how much you care about your feathered friend. If you have any other queries ask me in the comment section or mail me direct.

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