Can Budgies Eat Celery?

There are lot of confusion among us about whether can budgies eat celery or not.

Yes, budgies can eat celery. It contains some nutrients like vitamin A, fiber, antioxidants, beta, carotene, potassium, and lots of water. But you can give celery doesn’t mean you should give celery.

Keep reading to know all its benefits and potential threats.

is celery safe for budgies?

Yes, celery is safe for budgies, it is not poisonous for them. But there are some potential threats to feeding your budgies celery. Every 100gm of celery contains 95.4gm of water, this percentage is too high. If your budgies overeat celery, they may be caught by diarrhea.

I don’t know whether you know the term “crop impaction” or not, it is a condition when birds eat lots of indigestible stuff like grass, feathers, etc and it gets stuck in their crop and creates blockage.

Don’t worry I’m not saying that this will surely happen if they eat celery but you should also know that this can happen if they overeat celery because it is hard to digest. So, overall you can give celery but occasionally and in moderation.

is celery good for budgies?

Celery is not as nutritious as other vegetables but it contains some nutrients that can improve budgies health.

Good source of antioxidants

Celery contains antioxidants and is very important not just for budgies but for us also. Antioxidant is a type of compound found in various fruits and vegetables.

Bodies generate free radicals in response to environmental pollution, these radicals damage the cells of the body which may result in various diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants help neutralize these free radicals and protect cells from damage.

contains potassium

Potassium is a mineral which is found in many vegetables and celery is one of them. It will help your budgies maintain normal fluid levels inside cells. It is also good for heart health, it regulates the heartbeat and helps control blood pressure.

It helps stay hydrated

As you know 95% of celery contains water, which can be a good snack on hot days. If your budgies don’t drink enough water, this leafy vegetable will help them stay hydrated.

do budgies like celery?

Most of the budgies like to eat celery. Many budgie owners said that earlier their budgies didn’t like to eat vegetables but when they introduced them to celery, they started eating vegetables.

You may be thinking, how is this possible? Budgies are more than eating, like to play with them. You just sprinkle some water on the celery and hang it on the top of the cage, they will start taking a shower from them.

They like the crunchy taste of it and when they start eating celery then there is a high chance that they start trying other vegetables too. But if your feathered friends don’t like to eat celery then there is no reason to force them to eat this less nutritious vegetable.

How much & how often can budgies eat celery?

Budgie’s staple diet must not contain celery. It should be offered as a treat for mental stimulation. Budgie’s staple diet should always contain pellets and seeds. Fruits and vegetables should comprise 25% of their diet.

As you know there are some possible threats of overeating celery like crop impaction, diarrhea, etc. So there are two options in front of you either don’t give them celery or you can give them in moderation.

It will not harm your parakeets if you are feeding a small stick once a week.

can budgies eat celery sticks?

Yes, budgies can eat celery sticks. It is rich in water but contains less nutritious value. I have seen many people giving their budgies a whole celery stick and the stick is bigger than the budgies.

This is a wrong approach. Celery stick is not an easily digestible vegetable so always give it in moderation. You should also know that celery stick is the only part you should give to your budgerigar in whole celery.

Can parakeets eat celery leaves?

Yes, budgies can eat celery leaves but it is not recommended. It is not poisonous for them if it is organic. Most celeries in the market are grown inorganic and leaves are the most exposed part of celery, which is why it contains the highest pesticides.

Pesticides are not very harmful for us but they can be dangerous for budgies. You should wash the leaves carefully if you want to give them.

Can parakeets eat celery leaves?

Celery leaves are more nutritious than their sticks, it contains nutrients like folate, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and potassium. It would be great if you could grow celery in your backyard or at home in a pot.

So, there are two problems, first, it contains pesticides and the second is its high percentage of water. Look my friend, it’s better to avoid leaves, not just celery, cauliflower leaves, carrot leaves, and all other vegetable leaves are dangerous if grown inorganically.

budgies eating celery while playing

In this video, budgie is eating while playing. You can do this occasionally but should remove the celery after a few minutes.

How to prepare celery for budgies?

Don’t make the mistake of just simply giving them the whole celery to eat, yes you can hang the whole wet celery for playing for some time. You have to follow some steps to make celery easy and safe for them to eat.

  1. Wash the celery carefully in the cold running water.
  2. Cut the leaves.
  3. Cut sticks into small pieces and it is ready to eat.

How to feed celery to your budgies?

Be creative and try many ways to feed your budgies. After many tries, you will get your answer. I’m sharing some ways of my experience with feeding budgies.

You can cut celery into fine pieces and mix them with other fruits and vegetables like carrots, bananas, strawberries, etc. This will make their meal colorful and more attractive.

How to feed celery to your budgies?

As we know budgies love to play with celery so you can cut the celery into medium-sized pieces and hang it on the bars, they will eat while playing.

The best way is to hand-feed your budgies, take a small stick in your hand and hand-feed them. This will improve your bonding with your budgies and the cage will also remain clean.


Q. Can birds eat celery seeds?

Ans. Yes, birds can eat celery seeds. It contains the same nutritional value and is safe for budgies.

Can Budgies Eat Celery? – Final Thought

To end the confusion in short about can budgies eat celery or not. Yes, budgies can eat celery but it is not recommended. There are many nutritious vegetables in the market, you can try those.

It is fine if you are feeding them celery occasionally with proper precaution.

Thank You!

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