Can Budgie eat watermelon?

Four months ago, I was unaware of the budgies diet. When I met with a vet, he told me that budgies don’t eat everything that humans do. So, I asked can budgie eat watermelon?

I love to eat watermelon, that’s why “Can budgie eat watermelon” is the first question that comes into my mind.

He said,

Yes, budgie eat watermelon. It is packed with many nutrients like lycopene, antioxidants, and many more that help in maintaining a healthy life.

Is It Safe For Budgie Eat watermelon?

Is It Safe For Budgie Eat watermelon?

Yes, watermelon is safe for budgies to eat.

Some fruits are not safe for budgies but watermelon is not one of them.

If they eat in moderation, it is perfectly safe for them.

You have to prepare them well, to make them convenient and safe to eat.

Watermelon is not just safe, it is very healthy for your budgies.

Is watermelon Good For Budgies?

Yes, not just the good, it contains many nutrients that contribute to your budgie’s health.

Reasons why should budgie eat watermelon

It Prevents heart disease

Watermelon contains lycopene which prevents inflammation that can cause heart disease.

Pomegranate seeds are also good for the heart, if your budgies like to have them, you can mix them with watermelon or use them as a substitute.

Packed with antioxidant benefits

Like many other fruits, watermelon also contains antioxidants.

Antioxidants have many health benefits like,

  1. It prevents oxidative stress to improve brain function.
  2. It prevents chronic disease and increases life span.

Improve eyesight and boost the immune system

Vitamin A present in watermelon is good for eyesight.

If they have watermelon often, vitamin C present in them will boost their immune system.

Help in staying hydrated

Watermelon consists of 92% of water.

Having watermelon often will help your budgie to stay hydrated.

do budgies like watermelon?

do budgies like watermelon?

Watermelon tastes sweet and budgies like to eat sweet food.

So, most of the budgies including mine like the taste of watermelon.

Some budgies like to eat only pellets and seeds.

While some take time to try new things.

In case of them, you have to put in extra effort.

It would be best if you tried 5 to 6 times serving them.

In case, they don’t like don’t force them. There are many other fruits like grapes, cherries, or strawberries which also taste sweet.

How Often Should Budgie Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is a nutritious fruit but overfeeding can cause diseases like diarrhea, obesity, and diabetes.

No matter how much your feathered friend likes to eat watermelon, you must only give one or two slices once a week.

High water content in watermelon can upset their digestive system.

If you notice loose stools, then stop giving them for a few days.

As you know, Watermelon has many health benefits but to get only positives you have to give them as an occasional treat.

How To Prepare Watermelon for Your Budgies?

How To Prepare Watermelon for Your Budgies?
  1. You should cut the rind (i.e. the green part).
  2. Eliminate the skin and take only the red part.
  3. Cut the fruit into small and thin slices.
  4. Remove the seeds. Now, it is ready to eat.

Cutting the rind is important because chemicals could be attached to the skin.

Some just rinse the rind, but to be safer side, I recommend you to cut them.

Cutting into small pieces will make it easier for your budgies to eat.

Budgies can have watermelon seeds, they are not poisonous.

The problem is their size, they may get stuck into your budgie’s throat.

How To Serve Watermelon to Your Budgies?

You can be creative in this stage.

The goal is to feed watermelon to your budgies.

I am sharing three methods that I am aware of and one of them is my method.

The first method to serve budgies watermelon

This method is common and simple.

Put the watermelon into a bowl or dish and put it into the cage.

This method will work for only those whose parakeets eat watermelon.

Note: Parakeet is a group of small parrots and budgies are one of those.

How to feed if your budgies don’t like to eat fruits

This is my heck. I tried this on my friend’s budgies and it worked.

Watermelon is a juicy fruit and it will easily get stuck with seeds.

Cut the watermelon into small pieces and mix them with seeds.

When your budgies eat seeds, they will automatically eat watermelon.

The third is my method

Take the slices on hand and hand-feed your budgies.

Budgies are messy eaters and if you give juicy fruit in a bowl, then be ready to clean the cage.

The second and the most important benefit of hand-feeding is, that it builds a strong relationship with their budgies.

If your budgie likes to eat watermelon, then this is the best method to serve to your budgies.

Can Baby Budgie eat Watermelon?

Yes, baby budgies can also eat watermelon.

Watermelon is safe for them.

You have to prepare carefully. It should be easy for them to eat.

Cut the flesh into tiny pieces and remove the seeds.

If your chicks don’t like the taste of watermelon, don’t force-feed them.

There are many fruits available, you can try those.

Can Budgie eat watermelon seeds?

Parakeets can eat watermelon seeds.

Watermelon seeds don’t contain any harmful chemicals inside.

It is 100% safe for budgies.

The reason why I am not recommending to give is because of its size.

The seeds can get choked into your budgie’s throat.

So, to be safer, always remove them before giving them to your budgies.

can parakeets eat watermelon rind(skin)?

can parakeets eat watermelon rind(skin)?

No, you should not give watermelon rind to your budgies.

The rind(green part of the fruit) contains pesticides and other chemicals.

These chemicals are powerful enough to kill small birds.

Some just wash the rind to remove chemicals.

These rinds are also tough to digest and can upset their stomach.

Even though rinds are rich in nutrients, I don’t recommend you feed or serve fruit with rinds.


Q: Does budgie’s poop color change after eating watermelon?

Ans: The poop will be a little watery and reddish, this is normal. If the same is happening even after you are not feeding any red fruit, immediately consult with a vet.

Q: What If My Budgie Accidentally Eats Watermelon Seeds?

Ans: Watermelon seeds are not toxic for budgies but they can create a choking problem. If you see any uncommon behavior, give some water and immediately consult with a vet.

Q: Can budgies eat dried watermelon?

Ans: It is not recommended because, in the drying process, sugar gets concentrated. High-sugar food can upset their stomach and make them obese.

Q: Can budgies have watermelon juice?

Ans: Occasionally but only homemade. Always prefer to give fresh fruits rather than dried or juice.

Final Thought – Can Budgie eat watermelon?

My obsession with watermelon made me ask the question “Can budgie eat watermelon” to the vet.

So to answer you in short, Yes, budgie eat watermelon.

You can feed two slices once a week.

Don’t add this to their staple diet. Only 15% of their diet contains fruits.

Thank You!

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