About Us

Hey there, I’m Sourav, the proud owner and editor of BudgieGenius.com.

My job here is to answer all kinds of questions you might have about budgies – from their quirky behaviors to tips on keeping them strong, happy, and healthy.

Why BudgieGenius?

I want to make sure I cover things thoroughly, but I also know you’re busy, so I’ll keep things short and sweet. You’ll find quick and easy information here.

What sets BudgieGenius apart is that I combine my personal experience with solid science. But remember, while my advice is good, it’s not a replacement for seeing a real vet if needed.

Over the years, taking care of budgies (those adorable parakeets) has taught me a lot. I’ve learned practical stuff that I want to share with you.

Budgies can be a bit tricky to care for. Some of it comes from confusing myths and wrong info. Things might sound right, but when you dig deeper, you see they don’t quite add up.

Here’s an example: we’re often told to put a mirror in a budgie’s cage. But guess what? Budgies don’t really get mirrors! They think their reflection is a friend, and that’s not helpful.

And guess what? I’m here to help you find a name for your budgie, whether it’s green, blue, yellow, or white.

A Note from Sourav, the Founder

Hi, I’m Sourav. I’ve loved budgies since I was a kid.

When I was starting out, I didn’t know much about taking care of budgies. But over time, I’ve learned a lot from reading and trying things out.

Taking care of budgies is quite a journey – from knowing how to keep them healthy to feeding them the right stuff, and even making sure they get enough exercise. If you don’t do it right, your budgie might not have the best life. In fact, they might not live as long as they could.

Looking after budgies is much simpler when you have all the important info in one place. Just use the search button on top of any page. My goal is to help all budgies live happy, long lives.

That’s what BudgieGenius.com is all about – giving you good advice based on science, so you can enjoy the love and friendship of your beautiful budgies without worries.